Friday Finds... OnGossamerWingsThis is my third interview of the amazing not-so-well-known artists of Etsy.
I had a good weekend on my search for this weeks features. As you will notice with
Monday Magic, a lot of people are already introducing fabulous Fall / Autumn shades. It's getting harder than ever to make choices for the features as they are getting popular pretty quick, and already I'm building rollover lists for sellers that may have missed out on a feature (I think everyone should get a chance!). The choice that was most difficult was choosing between three amazing potential interviewees for today. I had their names infront of me from Satuday to Wednesday, and only then did I make a choice! I'm grateful for their enthusiasm and will to fill in my questions at short notice (I normally get the questions out by Monday). I really have been quite rubbish this week! Well I haven't as I have been actively attempting to do the whole balance "work/home" thing!!! But a lot of things have been delayed so midweek I had a big old catch up!
Anyway, my interview today focuses on the magical fairy world of
OnGossamerWings. A fabulous designer of really unique fairy wings! I just love them! You all know how I am by now lol!!! Angelia's work is just wonderful, and her interview really did brighten up my evening when I got it back. Just love her sense of humor! I'm really pleased to announce that it's the Angelia's Birthday today too! Happy Birthday!
(Just click the images to go direct to the listings)

Tell me a bit about you! (Name, Age, Location, and give us a random fact whilst you're at it.) Hi! My name is Angelia, and I the creative force behind On Gossamer Wings. I’m a 41-year old artist living in Central Texas. Random fact – I absolutely adore stripey socks!
What is your business about then? I love smiles! Your’s, mine, the child who is sitting on your lap, and your dog’s! There’s an intangible, magical quality to fairy wings that just creates smiles, and I want to share that with as many people as I can.
How did Etsy come into your life?A friend mentioned that she had opened a shop on Etsy, so I had to check it out! I fell in love with the site immediately. The beautiful art and the feeling of community are amazing!
Are you working a day job too? LOL! Well, that depends upon your definition of “day job!” I’m a full-time mom to a very active 8-month old (we’ll call him The Boychild) who keeps me on my toes!

How long has the artist in you been 'unleashed' for? I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t creating art of some sort. It runs in my family, so art is as natural as breathing. My mom, grandmothers, and an aunt all paint(ed), my father draws, and a distant cousin worked for Disney studios in their animation department back in the golden age of hand-drawn feature length films.
What has been the inspiration behind your business? I have always loved everything to do with costuming! The fabrics, the colors, the textures…just dressing differently and seeing how a person is uplifted by the experience. When I stumbled upon fairies, something really clicked for me, and I had a sense of “being home.” Once I started creating fairy wings for people, I saw how changed they became when they dressed as a fairy, and how emotional baggage and inhibitions could be melted away.
If you could describe your products in three words, what would you tell me? Creative, distinctive, vibrant

What would an average working day for you be like from dawn til dusk? 7:30am – Wake with the son (that’s not a typo…The Boychild is a very reliable alarm clock!)
7:45am – Feed The Boychild, feed the dog, check and answer email, Etsy, and the various online social sites I use to promote my work
9:00am – Greet my mom. She visits us on most days, and she is always such a great help with watching The Boychild.
9:15am – Household errands!
10:00am - Avoid the traffic jam on my way to work (Ok, really, all I have to do is step over the dog in the hallway, but you know…)
10:01am – Time to sit down and work! Go through standing orders to determine what will need to be included in the current production run, and begin creating! I usually have three to four pairs of wings being assembled a time, so on any given day, I could be working on frames, designs, decorating, construction, or photographs of the wings.
Sidenote: Every 15 – 20 minutes I bend down to pick up The Boychild. I’m fortunate enough to have a studio that’s large enough to double as his playroom, so he’s always nearby. Counterproductive? Could be. Satisfying? Without a doubt!
12:00pm – Lunch!
1:00pm – Back to work
3:30pm – Time for my mom to go home, and time for me to stop working for a bit and just hang out with The Boychild.
6:30pm – Dinner as a family.
7:30pm – Feed the dog.
7:45pm – Back to work while hubby does schoolwork and The Boychild sleeps.
11:00pm – Time to sleep!

What's your favourite material and techniques to work with? I love working with color! The dyes, the paint, and the glitter! I also love the conceptual process of creating new designs. It’s the practice of drawing out different fantastical creations and then trying to figure out how to engineer them that intrigues me.
What is your ideal vision for the future for you and your work? I’d like to grow my business to where I am able to vend at faires and art events on a regular basis. There’s nothing quite like seeing someone’s face when they first try on a pair of wings!
Away from work, what do you like to do for fun or to wind down? My husband and I love to participate at renaissance faires. Again with the costuming! Also, we enjoy spending time with our family particularly over a meal or just kicking back to watch a good movie.

What are you likely to search for on Etsy? Anything to do with costuming or fantasy! Of course I love all things fairy, but, with two guys in the house, pirates are also a favorite theme! Oh! And all things bright and sparkly which means I’m always on the prowl for beautiful jewelry. Lastly, I love the brightly colored monster dolls that are sold on Etsy as well. The striped ones are usually my favorites! Go figure!
Any last words? I love working with custom orders, so if you have a set of wings in mind, please feel free to contact me. Also, weddings are a specialty of mine! I’ve put wings on brides, bride’s maids, flower girls, and entire wedding parties. If you’re getting married and you want a fantasy or garden theme, I’d be happy to work with you!