Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Magic! - Near Undiscovered Wonder

Monday Magic...Summer's End













Introducing my 5th installment of my new weekly feature, Monday Magic! These sellers all share something special... Fabulous work! Yet, somehow like many sellers on Etsy are wondering where all their admirers are! So this is where I feel it's time to showcase the undiscovered talent of Etsy, on Monday each week so they have a chance to shine like the best of Etsy do :)

All of the sellers names can be typed into the navigation bar on your browser followed with "" (dot etsy dot com) to take you to their stores. Otherwise click on an image to go directly to their listing!

I am now taking requests for next weeks Monday Magic Expo. If you would like to be a part of it, you are required to have less that 20 sales in your Etsy store, and the theme this week is Rainbow! (Show me items that are bright and spectral!). Contact me via convo @ to send in your requests, plus a link to your suitable item :)

Have a fab week!

moonangelnay xxx

Sunday, August 30, 2009

SUNDAY... Coffee and Cake

New Note Cards and Prints On Etsy - Click Images to Visit Listings

Sunday - Coffee and Cake

Hello again :)

My son is currently asleep, and the other half is a busy bee dealing with some things that have cropped up this week, which has left me this short space of time to get on with todays article.

I have spend 5 weeks so far discussing the various things I have found to be helpful throughout my networking journey, to bring awareness of my work and other things like this blog for example. I think that I have pretty much covered everything i have tried and tested, and have found that some of these things have worked for my readers too, after getting some lovely responses to my posts ^_^ So for that I'm glad, that's what makes sharing this info so worthwhile! Unfortunately I have come to an end (new topic starting next week), with today being the last of the Networking articles but you can always catch up with the past Networking posts by clicking here, or searching for the tag "Coffee and Cake" within my blog.

Today, I will focus on something that initially won't help you spread you name around online, but in the long run will do just that. That is "Tagging" appropriately, whatever it is you are trying to bring to peoples awareness, be it an item in your Etsy store or a blog post, Tweet, or even MetaTags for a website.

Networking Part 6 : Tagging, for good SEO (search engine optimisation) is essential if you want to get yourselves listed into the search engines, to put yourself close to the top of the pile and to make easy navigation in things that may have it's own internal search engine. I think nowdays that the search engines automatically search around for pages to link to with the use of spider bots, which is why it's important to be prepared by tagging appropriately, as lack of tagging or bad tagging isn't going to do much for you in the competative world of website listing. You still get the option to manually list sites anyway, but even still, if these spiders think you site is spammy (based on how you incorporate SEO), or if it thinks the content is lacking, you'll find yourself in the back of the queue (or worse, blacklisted) when your ultimate goal should be to aim as high as you can! Tagging is pretty easy and like I say, can even help people navigate your pages/sites/items much easier than to have them go through pages and pages to find what it is they're looking for.

With Meta tagging for example (on a website) you'll find there are 2 places in the HTML coding that is worth putting a few words about your site. Those are literally the Meta Tags, and Meta Descriptions. You don't want to write paragraphs as the spider bots only pick up a small amount of text from what is left there. I'm uncertain of the exact number but think Twitter and call it 140 characters for each... it may be more, it could be less... but it's not a lot when you could go on for days about what it is you're trying to describe! So you need to be clever about it. Use words that aren't too unsual and infact try and think of what you reckon people will will look for that is relatable to your content, but also try and make a name for yourself. Summerise your business or site, and throw in as many keywords as you can in the description. The more "keywords" you can use, the better really.

Some people, when writing on the body section of their homepage like to include a more detailed welcoming description that I believe can also be used to optimise your pages for searching. This applies to everything I guess, like with Etsy you get a measly 14 tags per item, yet if you can use a bit of flair with your descriptions, or better yet try and put yourselves in the shoes of a search-ready customer, predicting what kinds of words someone would use to lead them to your product, something like that could change the way you would initially have written your tags to begin with. Tagging is more than just describing and catagorising your item, it should be about identifying with what your customers want.

On Etsy, Artfire, Misi, etc... the shop home should be reasonably descriptive, but not necessarily over done (not just for SEO but I found a lot of people get put off by reams and reams of writing before they see your items. Only recently!). That will help your shop gain more web presence for sure. and anything else really that gives you opportunities to tag and write descriptions, use them! you dont have to be a poet, but an intelligent use of descriptive words will always help. There are so many places to take advantage of for this. Blogger is one of them! Myspace! Indiepublic and We Love Etsy on! I've even caught Tweets in the search engine, and particularly picked up via third party twitter sites! At the end of it, the way people find things online is if they search for it, unless they already know where they are going! If they don't then they will describe what they want and click search, and you want to be nearest the top of the end of that search as you can be! Remember you don't have to write novels. Just give good descriptions and tags!

That's all. Until next week, Coffee and Cake will be introducing a new topic of discussion! Look forward to it. :)

moonangelnay x

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Friday Finds... FabricGreetings

Friday Finds... FabricGreetings

This is my fourth interview of the amazing not-so-well-known artists of Etsy.

My new find for this week had actually contacted me before I actively searched for new artists to feature in a convo on Etsy, so when it came to it I was blown away pretty early in the search and couldn't resist in asking for an interview. It took me ages to contact them however!
As I'm constantly documenting at the mo, I am SHATTERED beyond belief... Could do with a good nights sleep, that would do the trick! (prays that son will behave himself lol). Anyway, I love the concept of this sellers work. Innovative, very trendy and SOOOOOOO colorful! I was delighted that she agreed to work with me this week, so I give you Alyce from Fabric Greetings...

(Just click the images to go direct to the listings)

-- Tell me a bit about you! (Name, Age, Location, and give us a random fact whilst you're at it.) My Name is Alyce Templeton and I live in Elkton, Maryland with my hubby of almost 43 years. I was not a child bride, so you do the math!

-- What is your business about then? My business deals with fabric postcards. They are very mailable works of textile art done almost entirely on the sewing machine. They came about because of severe hand problems which prohibit me from making and stuffing the whimsical dolls I did for years. But something good always comes from something bad. I had seen some postcards at the Houston Quilt Market many years ago and decided I could figure out how to build a better mousetrap – namely making the cards mailable without an envelope.

-- How did Etsy come into your life? Etsy came into my life because a customer at a craft show asked me to open so she could see my items without having to travel long distances to get to me. I am not real computer savvy. So it was a very stressful decision.

-- Are you working a day job too? Fortunately, I had the option to be a stay at home Mom many years ago and never went back to a full time real job. I do teach sewing and related classes at several quilt stores in the area.

-- How long has the artist in you been 'unleashed' for? Sewing and fabric have been important to me forever. I can’t imagine not being able to sew everyday. I love combining colors and textures as well as the unexpected. That is why these postcards are so unique.

-- What has been the inspiration behind your business? I guess what I really would like people to understand is that a friend is a special and unique person. There isn’t another one in the world like him/her. So why buy a card that has been mass produced and is not unique and special. I love what I do and I would like people to be able to enjoy the experience of receiving a unique card.

-- If you could describe your products in three words, what would you tell me? I think the three words that describe my products are colorful – fun – unique.

-- What would an average working day for you be like from dawn til dusk? My average day is pretty relaxed. Once my knee is fixed, I will be back to walking 3-5 miles early in the morning, doing as little housework as possible and spending hours at the sewing machine, fixing an evening meal and reading. When my hubby retired, I made it clear I did not do lunch unless he was taking me out!

-- What's your favourite material and techniques to work with? Who says you can’t sew paper or plastic to cloth – or paint it. Once I had received one of these cards, I became aware of just how they can brighten a day. They are truly keepsakes. With a string, ribbon or cording, they make wonderful luggage tags. You can find your suitcase immediately. You can sit them on a table easel or frame them for wall art.

-- Away from work, what do you like to do for fun or to wind down? This probably sounds funny, but for me, sitting at the sewing machine is winding down. We are off soon on a long vacation to Maine. And in the back of the car will be my sewing machine and the makings of my Christmas cards. I will sew a bit everyday and really feel like I am having the greatest vacation in the world.

-- What are you likely to search for on Etsy? I am not a real shopper. But I have prowled the shops looking for unique gift items. And I have found some great supplies for my cards.

-- Any last words? Thanks again for this opportunity. I will be looking for it on Friday.


Duty Calls...

Duty Calls...

My son so lovingly has been a night owl for the past few days, keeping me up and making me a right ol' sleepy head. But he's so adorable LOL! Yesterday I had a pretty hectic day, but if it wasn't for my little boy I think I would have burnt out. A trip to the doctors, the library and my mums house, amongst keeping him entertained and working where I could really is taking it's toll on me today, but I had so much fun with him, I honestly don't mind! You hear about stuff in the news all the time about how some parents are terribly cruel to their children, and you wonder just how and why some can have no compassion and be so downright lazy and irresposible. It's not like signing your life away to have kids. To me it's only the beginning! Having children as difficult as it can be sometimes to keep your head in check, and going through the ups and downs of their moods!, it's the most fulfilling and joyful experience a person could ever have in their lifetime! I guess some people have been totally manipulated by the stealth control mechanisms in alsorts of places setting the "exemplary" standard and think they are missing out if they don't poison their bodys, have a party-like social life or god forbid switch off their TV's and computer games to spend quality time with those are supposed to mean the most to them. I feel quite fortunate actually to have the mindset that I do about my life and my son. I only wish the media had something worth sharing on a daily basis to influence people in more positive ways! I mean come on it IS the media that blatently gives people ideas of what to think about events in the world. And everyone just takes it on board. We all have choices to make, as we were born with free will and our potential is being shadowed by this MASS of influence that unfortunately in most cases takes it's toll on the most influential of people... and then you get miserable stories like the one's I'm moaning about. Not just about children but anything! It's quite depressing actually. I think there's a time and a place for things like that... I think mums that are devoted to their kids for a change should be applauded and not penalised. It's something I find an incredible read, to see that the news in the UK ACTUALLY critisises mums that do their job and do it well. Disgusting. I think mums with careers do a great job too, but in this country the media try and make out like mums who stay at home are no more than scrounging scum, when I have NEVER known anyone in my position to sit begging in my life! I guess it's the undevoted parents that give the bad name, but this is all part of the stereotype the media glorifies for all of the world's population to sit, read and believe. I'd like some good news about happy families for a change! Well I'm off to have some fun with my lil man now!

moonangelnay x

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday Magic! - Near Undiscovered Wonder

Monday Magic...Dotty













Introducing my 4th installment of my new weekly feature, Monday Magic! These sellers all share something special... Fabulous work! Yet, somehow like many sellers on Etsy are wondering where all their admirers are! So this is where I feel it's time to showcase the undiscovered talent of Etsy, on Monday each week so they have a chance to shine like the best of Etsy do :)

All of the sellers names can be typed into the navigation bar on your browser followed with "" (dot etsy dot com) to take you to their stores. Otherwise click on an image to go directly to their listing!

I am now taking requests for next weeks Monday Magic Expo. If you would like to be a part of it, you are required to have less that 20 sales in your Etsy store, and the theme this week is Summer's End! (Show me items that are yellow and blue!). Contact me via convo @ to send in your requests, plus a link to your suitable item :)

Have a fab week!

moonangelnay xxx

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday - Coffee And Cake!

New Greeting Cards and Prints On Etsy - Click Images to Visit Listings

Sunday - Coffee and Cake

Hello again :)

Had a bit of a crazy week as usual. It's been a couple of weeks since I have managed to just write a normal blog post, and I'm not trying to be lazy I promise! Time has just really been my enemy, which I am hoping should change in the following week, what with the other half going back to work and me being back to my full time duties exclusively! Should have plenty to talk about besides the features which'll be nice, considering all that I've been doing lately is work work work on Etsy. I've already written out a plan of what my son and I are going to get up to from tomorrow... aren't I organised! ^_^

Anyway today I want to discuss Social Networks. This is nice and easy so don't worry about me boring you to death lol!!!

Networking Part 5 : Social Networks Like I've said, this is easy as pie. A bit time consuming to set up but once they're going you can really intergrate yourself into the handmade community outside of Etsy, which so far I find is a great way to meet like minds and to also get your name out there. Like with Twitter and Blogger, Social Networks also allow you to link up all of your web efforts into one place, so any visitors will know of all the other places they can find you! A great thing if say someone who hates Myspace, but loves Facebook would rather link to you on there :)

I think one thing that puts people off Social networks is the security side of things. At least it did for me with all the scaremongering you get about them. With Facebook for example, I would never link my business to my personal page... the same way i dislike the idea of mixing work life and home life... you get the picture.
Facebook allows businesses to use their services without the need to mix in their personal profiles. It's simply, Facebook Pages as opposed to Facebook Profiles. I'm not sure if you need to have a normal Facebook profile in order to have a "page", as i was fortunate enough to already be an avid Facebook user prior to creating mine, but once up and running I think it's a create way to network with fellow handmade artisans.
It has a system on there which allows you to create ads that link to your page (at a cost however), and obviously it gives you presence in the searchable world that is Facebook.
It allows people to "become a fan" of you page, which once done allows you to update them as you update your page, without having to go through reams of email addresses to manually update them on your endeavors. A bit like a mailing list, but a little more snazzy. Users will see your updates on their own Facebook homepages in real time. They can also interact with you by leaving comments on your page or message you direct, so it's a great way to keep the communication flowing.
You can use various applications to make your page more interesting. I use Networked Blogs which pulls the feed from my Blogger Blog into my page without me having to go back and forth copying and pasting links. Facebook is one of my favourite methods of keeping people informed of what I'm getting up to.

If you want to be able to have something that you can tweak a little more, that uses templates or HTML and looks a little less plain like Facebook, you can join lots of Ning social networks like, Indie Public, We Love Etsy and Twittermoms (obviously one for mothers!). They all use a similar kind of interface, but you'll find the communities on there are vast and there are plenty of opportunities to communicate with these communities. All of the networks I mentioned give you access to a blog, of which when used gets updated at the top of a list similar to the way listing an item on Etsy works. This can be viewed in the "blogs" tab, where your updated blog will be at the top, along with all other blog users. Like with Etsy, if someone else updates a blog, then you'll get bumped down the list. Not one to be abused, you should only ever update when you genuinely have something relevent to say or announce! They all also have forums which are great for meetings other artists and for promotion. You can personalise your homepages too by uploading photos, RSS feeds, and various other things. Another place that I've already mentioned that could be used, if you like the idea of controlling how your page looks is Myspace. This may take a little more time, but if you're tech savvy in anyway you can make beautiful pages, completely personal to you that will look great if you want to establish a name for yourself. If not there are HTML editors now intergrated into Myspace that walk you through the steps of creating a look from scratch. Once up, you can link to your shop by using your Etsy mini, various other widgets if you like, and have a lot more flexibility than any other of the Social Networks when it comes to sharing everything that you want to and having that sort of control. is a place I'm new too myself, but the one thing that is fab about it is that it allows you to link items into a sort of classifieds ad, in the Marketplace section. You have to write your listings out from scratch mind you, and type in links for people to visit (as your ad won't link to your item directly). But it's just another Idea... I think it's relatively new, but it's a community that is growing and definitely worth checking out.

There are loads of social networks out there besides the ones I've mentioned, but I do think it's worth giving it a go. Particularly for ones that you think your potential focused group is larger (ie: Facebook & We Love Etsy). If you're worried about security, then just don't make it personal and keep it solely for business. (You can still be friendly lol!) Also, change your passwords regularly and make sure they're not one's you'd use all the time. These kind of things always have the potential to get hacked, the same way any other site would do so for piece of mind I'd keep a log book of your passwords incase you forget, and regularly change them so you're always in control.

That's all that I'm familiar with anyway. Until next week!

moonangelnay x

Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Finds... OnGossamerWings

Friday Finds... OnGossamerWings

This is my third interview of the amazing not-so-well-known artists of Etsy.

I had a good weekend on my search for this weeks features. As you will notice with Monday Magic, a lot of people are already introducing fabulous Fall / Autumn shades. It's getting harder than ever to make choices for the features as they are getting popular pretty quick, and already I'm building rollover lists for sellers that may have missed out on a feature (I think everyone should get a chance!). The choice that was most difficult was choosing between three amazing potential interviewees for today. I had their names infront of me from Satuday to Wednesday, and only then did I make a choice! I'm grateful for their enthusiasm and will to fill in my questions at short notice (I normally get the questions out by Monday). I really have been quite rubbish this week! Well I haven't as I have been actively attempting to do the whole balance "work/home" thing!!! But a lot of things have been delayed so midweek I had a big old catch up!
Anyway, my interview today focuses on the magical fairy world of OnGossamerWings. A fabulous designer of really unique fairy wings! I just love them! You all know how I am by now lol!!! Angelia's work is just wonderful, and her interview really did brighten up my evening when I got it back. Just love her sense of humor! I'm really pleased to announce that it's the Angelia's Birthday today too! Happy Birthday!

(Just click the images to go direct to the listings)

-- Tell me a bit about you! (Name, Age, Location, and give us a random fact whilst you're at it.) Hi! My name is Angelia, and I the creative force behind On Gossamer Wings. I’m a 41-year old artist living in Central Texas. Random fact – I absolutely adore stripey socks!

-- What is your business about then? I love smiles! Your’s, mine, the child who is sitting on your lap, and your dog’s! There’s an intangible, magical quality to fairy wings that just creates smiles, and I want to share that with as many people as I can.

-- How did Etsy come into your life?A friend mentioned that she had opened a shop on Etsy, so I had to check it out! I fell in love with the site immediately. The beautiful art and the feeling of community are amazing!

-- Are you working a day job too? LOL! Well, that depends upon your definition of “day job!” I’m a full-time mom to a very active 8-month old (we’ll call him The Boychild) who keeps me on my toes!

-- How long has the artist in you been 'unleashed' for? I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t creating art of some sort. It runs in my family, so art is as natural as breathing. My mom, grandmothers, and an aunt all paint(ed), my father draws, and a distant cousin worked for Disney studios in their animation department back in the golden age of hand-drawn feature length films.

-- What has been the inspiration behind your business? I have always loved everything to do with costuming! The fabrics, the colors, the textures…just dressing differently and seeing how a person is uplifted by the experience. When I stumbled upon fairies, something really clicked for me, and I had a sense of “being home.” Once I started creating fairy wings for people, I saw how changed they became when they dressed as a fairy, and how emotional baggage and inhibitions could be melted away.

-- If you could describe your products in three words, what would you tell me? Creative, distinctive, vibrant

-- What would an average working day for you be like from dawn til dusk? 7:30am – Wake with the son (that’s not a typo…The Boychild is a very reliable alarm clock!)

7:45am – Feed The Boychild, feed the dog, check and answer email, Etsy, and the various online social sites I use to promote my work

9:00am – Greet my mom. She visits us on most days, and she is always such a great help with watching The Boychild.

9:15am – Household errands!

10:00am - Avoid the traffic jam on my way to work (Ok, really, all I have to do is step over the dog in the hallway, but you know…)

10:01am – Time to sit down and work! Go through standing orders to determine what will need to be included in the current production run, and begin creating! I usually have three to four pairs of wings being assembled a time, so on any given day, I could be working on frames, designs, decorating, construction, or photographs of the wings.

Sidenote: Every 15 – 20 minutes I bend down to pick up The Boychild. I’m fortunate enough to have a studio that’s large enough to double as his playroom, so he’s always nearby. Counterproductive? Could be. Satisfying? Without a doubt!

12:00pm – Lunch!

1:00pm – Back to work

3:30pm – Time for my mom to go home, and time for me to stop working for a bit and just hang out with The Boychild.

6:30pm – Dinner as a family.

7:30pm – Feed the dog.

7:45pm – Back to work while hubby does schoolwork and The Boychild sleeps.

11:00pm – Time to sleep!

-- What's your favourite material and techniques to work with? I love working with color! The dyes, the paint, and the glitter! I also love the conceptual process of creating new designs. It’s the practice of drawing out different fantastical creations and then trying to figure out how to engineer them that intrigues me.

-- What is your ideal vision for the future for you and your work? I’d like to grow my business to where I am able to vend at faires and art events on a regular basis. There’s nothing quite like seeing someone’s face when they first try on a pair of wings!

-- Away from work, what do you like to do for fun or to wind down? My husband and I love to participate at renaissance faires. Again with the costuming! Also, we enjoy spending time with our family particularly over a meal or just kicking back to watch a good movie.

-- What are you likely to search for on Etsy? Anything to do with costuming or fantasy! Of course I love all things fairy, but, with two guys in the house, pirates are also a favorite theme! Oh! And all things bright and sparkly which means I’m always on the prowl for beautiful jewelry. Lastly, I love the brightly colored monster dolls that are sold on Etsy as well. The striped ones are usually my favorites! Go figure!

-- Any last words? I love working with custom orders, so if you have a set of wings in mind, please feel free to contact me. Also, weddings are a specialty of mine! I’ve put wings on brides, bride’s maids, flower girls, and entire wedding parties. If you’re getting married and you want a fantasy or garden theme, I’d be happy to work with you!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Magic! - Near Undiscovered Wonder

Monday Magic...Orange




Introducing my 3rd installment of my new weekly feature, Monday Magic! These sellers all share something special... Fabulous work! Yet, somehow like many sellers on Etsy are wondering where all their admirers are! So this is where I feel it's time to showcase the undiscovered talent of Etsy, on Monday each week so they have a chance to shine like the best of Etsy do :)

All of the sellers names can be typed into the navigation bar on your browser followed with "" (dot etsy dot com) to take you to their stores. Otherwise click on an image to go directly to their listing!

I am now taking requests for next weeks Monday Magic Expo. If you would like to be a part of it, you are required to have less that 20 sales in your Etsy store, and the theme this week is Dotty (I want to see spots!). Contact me via convo @ to send in your requests, plus a link to your suitable item :)

Have a fab week!

moonangelnay xxx