Friday Finds... CapsforcancerInterview # 40
I felt humbled to have come across a store on Etsy that has such a passionate mission as the driving force behind such a beautiful objective. capsforcancer is a store brimming with crochet goods and other knick knacks made by Patricia Rocco and the kind artisans of Etsy. Anyone that wishes to donate handmade caps or items to the store is very welcome to, and the proceeds then go towards an extremely good cause for those battling cancer by providing chemo hats to Knots of Love, and classes in all the wonderful things some of us like do in the handmade community. That is to create, craft and enjoy the things we are good at doing to keep us happy, focused and positive.
So donating/shopping in this store is a real incentive to help towards caps for patients, the costs of supplies and to the beading, crocheting and knitting classes for whom they describe as the "angels" going through hard times right now.
Please do check out the store of this cause, and read on to learn more about it from Patricia Rocco :)
(Just click the images to go direct to the listings)
Tell me a bit about you! (Name, Age, Location, and give us a random fact whilst you're at it.) Patricia Rocco, 38, Tucson Arizona, single Mom to an amazing 11 year old young Man.
What is your business about then? Not for profit. Main goal is to sell items so we can donate chemo caps to Knots of Love and to provide crochet, knitting, and beading classes to cancer patients. A way to take their minds of their fight for just a moment.
How did Etsy come into your life? I purchased a clock made out of a vinyl record from a friend at work and he directed me to Etsy. I've been happy and in love with the site ever since!!
Are you working a day job too? Yes, I work for UA Healthcare which is a conglomerate of the University of Arizona and University Medical Center along with University Physicians Healthcare in Tucson.
How long has the artist in you been 'unleashed' for? I have been beading and crocheting since I was a teenager. Recently I decided to put my talents to good use by helping and teaching others.
What has been the inspiration behind your business? A very dear friend of mine lost her battle to cancer a little over a year ago and so my quest to support those battling and surviving cancer began.
If you could describe your products in three words, what would you tell me? Quality, affordable, luxurious.
What would an average working day for you be like from dawn til dusk? Up at 4am to get ready for work and to get my son ready for school. Drop him off to a carpool to school and then myself to work by 6am. Usually by 3pm I'm out of work and off to pick my son up from school then home to dinner, time with my son, homework, my school work, and then some crocheting, knitting, or beading.
What's your favourite material and techniques to work with? My favorite materials are organic cotton, chenille, and Swarovski crystal and silver.
What is your ideal vision for the future for you and your work? My ideal vision is to have several workshops available state wide then nation wide for those battling cancer and to continue to provide hand made chemo caps to those in need.
Away from work, what do you like to do for fun or to wind down? I love to crochet to wind down from a long day at work. It is very soothing. I also love to design new lanyard and jewelry ideas it takes my mind off of the busy day.
What are you likely to search for on Etsy? Organic knitting and crochet materials and beads etc. for our lanyards and jewelry.
Any last words? Join us and join the fight!!!!!!!