
No.41 ... I wanted to dedicate today's gratitude post to my little furry friend Luigi who unfortunately passed away over Christmas. He was a lovely bouncy little Chihuahua, known for his cheeky attitude towards our family dog George, and being babied by Snoopy the eldest of the 3 when they were still with us. He passed away peacefully, and wasn't alone when it happened so for him I am grateful that he didn't suffer and that I was by his side. It's been a sad time for the family but we have been enjoying fond memories of him since, remembering his life as positively as we can. He lived a long life of 16 years so it certainly was something we expected, especially as he'd been extremely poorly for a few days.
I won't be posting this weekend from Friday so I can spend time reflecting on my time with Luigi as it's something that hasn't happened properly with the holidays being so busy, and now that I am working again. I had him from when he was 8 weeks old so it has been hard, especially as he left us on Christmas Day. We had our Christmas on Christmas Eve so we were able to spend one last special time with him at least.
This is to Luigi, a very smart and good little dog, and my faithful little pal that always stood by me. We'll miss you.