Friday, November 27, 2009

FRIDAY - Friday Finds... MilkwoodDesign

Friday Finds... MilkwoodDesign

This is my eleventh interview of the amazing not-so-well-known artists of Etsy.

Today I am posting an interview with a resin jewelry maker known on Etsy as MilkwoodDesign! I just love the vibrance and abstract nature of some of her pieces... you all know what I'm like! i think they're just gorgeous so I asked the shop owner if she would like an interview and so glad when she agreed :)

(Just click the images to go direct to the listings)

- Tell me a bit about you! (Name, Age, Location, and give us a random fact whilst you're at it.) My name is Amelia, I'm 30, I live in Melbourne, Australia with my darling husband and two angel children (4 years and 3 months). Well, the 3 month old is an angel... Random fact? All porcupines float in water (thanks Libra!)

-- What is your business about then? I create organic, natural shaped resin jewellery. My aim is to make pieces that are smooth and tactile that you just want to reach out and feel - I love the mix of natural organic shapes and textures, with the endless variety of colours - and the translucent ones really glow beautifully. I create models out of clay or found objects, pour over silicone to create a flexible mould, then fill the mould with resin, pigment, papers, fabric etc. When mixing colours, it is always a surprise to see what will come out at the end, as you can't really see what is happening within the mould. The 24 hour wait while it cures is a killer! Then there is the drilling, sanding and finishing. It is a labour of love... but the end result is an amazing, unique piece of jewellery.

-- How did Etsy come into your life? I read an interview about some crafters over here who sold on Etsy, and it was so easy to set up and get going. I kept getting more ideas for new pieces, but my jewellery drawer was getting crowded. This way I still get to create daily, and explore a bigger range of techniques and colours.

-- Are you working a day job too? I wish! It would be easier than keeping a 4 year old entertained all day...but we can lose hours with the scrap box and a bottle of glue.

-- How long has the artist in you been 'unleashed' for? I studied Textile Design (knitwear) at university, then worked in costumes before getting all corporate - but I always found a way to sneak some creative work into my roles.

-- What has been the inspiration behind your business? I'm inspired by natural forms and colours, and working with my hands to create something beautiful from quite basic raw materials.

-- If you could describe your products in three words, what would you tell me? Touchable. Smooth. Bold.

-- What would an average working day for you be like from dawn til dusk?
Wake up waaaaay too early and feed baby. Snuggle with 4 year old, then the breakfast / dressing etc routine starts. We'll potter around at home or the park unless we have kinder/swimming/playdates etc. I try and sneak onto the computer to edit photos sometime during the morning, and my 4 year old and I will often get together and do some clay modelling in the afternoon while bubs sleeps. End of the day, dinner, kids in bed, glass of wine, then out to the studio (glamourous name for my shed) where I'll work until it is time to wake the baby for her last feed of the night.

-- What's your favourite material and techniques to work with? Resin! Also love fabrics, knitting, threads... anything with colour.

-- What is your ideal vision for the future for you and your work? To be fabulously rich and successful would be nice. I'd settle for just having some more time to create though.

-- Away from work, what do you like to do for fun or to wind down? Drink. Hmmm, that doesn't sound like a responsible mother. So I'll say, at the moment just loving the warmer weather and picnics with friends.

-- What are you likely to search for on Etsy? Gifts, items for kids and babies, homewares and art.

-- Any last words? I make custom items and almost everything is available in another colour, so feel free to contact me about creating your own unique piece! And a massive thanks for the opportunity - been great to discover the broader Etsy community, and all those who take the time to help out others! Love to all!

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