Sunday - Coffee and Cakeweekly mommy babble and handmade goings on...
Buzzing... Ok... Woo!... Boy have I been a busy bunny, and I wish that the busy activity was as soft and fuzzy as my hats but I'm probably more flopsy and fuzzy right now. I have only really just reflected on it all which is unusual for me as I'm normally very apt at taking in the days events when my children are in bed in the evenings. I have to give a big thankyou to the stupendous amounts of coffee I have devoured this week, for which I doubt I would be sitting her typing to you all if I'd have gone without lol... It's not just been work really but there have been some huuuuuuuuuge changes which mean that the big dynamics of next year are going to happen sooner like moving, then despite our initial confidence we are going to home school our son part-time whilst he attends mainstream school when he's 4 (long story), then there's been just a few personal things like me bringing in a new exercise routine to get out of my procrastinating rut ("i will excercise!!!... tomorrow!"... gets kinda old after months of putting it off LOL), trying to decide which photos to take along to my craft show (i can't use them all... darn it), making new hat designs and of course completing orders. I think I'm loving the fact that I've squeezed in new designs into my biggest achievement of the week as I am GUTTED that tonnes of ideas I had for Halloween totally fell through over the weeks. I had written them all out in a notepad and had planned a whole bunch of new headbands and a few hats to put up a couple of weeks ago but so far they are still just a few words on a piece of paper, so I am now thinking ahead to Christmas! I will be listing some of this weeks bits and bobs in the morning (it's the early hours on Sunday morning for me and I need sleep). Fingers crossed that I have a tonne more by next weekend, in addition to less limp muscles with all the exercise I'm going to get (ho hum!) and maybe if I'm really good I can avoid coffee for a while lol! And as for the kids, gosh I am actually relaxing a little more this week as my daughter is now actively playing without getting stroppy for slightly longer periods now, and to my son she is a whole new child lol! He is such a dear playing with her and trying to show her how to make her baby toys work, it's stretching my 20 minute break to myself to about 30 mins now... I say break yet I mean hands free... Hey if it means a hot cup of tea instead of lukewarm I'm game lol! I love that she can sit with him now on her own and dive into a pile of soft toys and actually giggle about it! It's amazing that this much time has passed already. I can still hear my bellowing echoing around the birth center the day I had her... ahhh memories. I could do it all again lol!
Right! Bed Time! I will be about in the morning folks! Take care :)
That's it for now. Have a great weekend all!
moonangelnay x
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