Friday, November 5, 2010

Steufel Chunky Beaded Sari Jewelry

Friday Finds... steufel

Interview # 50
What a great way to celebrate Bonfire night by bringing you a tremendously gorgeous burst of color and flair for one of my favourite newbie jewelry artists on Etsy. Stefanie of steufel makes jewelry using a combination of copper, lampwork beads and sari fabrics that look so cool together in the way she styles each piece. The rings and bracelets are my favourites as they seem to come alive with movement and versatility and for this reason I'm sure that each piece is always going to be OOAK and therefore never replicated. I love the idea of wearing jewelry that's unique and unlike anything seen before, and I think anyone purchasing from Stefanies store would be proud to own her work. I hope you enjoy her interview!

(Just click the images to go direct to the listings)

-- Tell me a bit about you! (Name, Age, Location, and give us a random fact whilst you're at it.) My name is Stefanie, I’m 41 years old and live in Cologne, Germany. About the random fact – actually my last name is Teufel, which means devil in English, so you can imagine I had a fun time in school

-- What is your business about then? I love to create and express myself. For me it’s really relaxing to work with all those beautiful beads and fiber after returning home from work. And all the vibrant colors I tend to work with lighten up my mood.

-- How did Etsy come into your life? When I started beading I soon realized that the choices in Germany are limited. Then someone pointed out that there is this great place called etsy. I was hooked the minute I went there for the first time. And I like the idea to support individuals so I try to get all my supplies there. It’s so much more rewarding to buy stuff from people who are committed to their work. And I think everyone on etsy is committed.

-- Are you working a day job too? Yes, I do. I’m responsible for the marketing at a local newspaper.

-- How long has the artist in you been 'unleashed' for? I ‘ve always loved to create. My first love was writing. Actually I wrote some books about the computer system “linux” – kind of funny for a jewelry artist, isn’t it ?, but then I felt the need to do something with my hands, create pieces and see the hopefully beautiful results right in front of me. Making jewelry was a natural consequence because I collected costume jewelry for a long time.

-- What has been the inspiration behind your business? As I write in my shop - I've been born with a magpie gen - so when I come across beads or fabric I feel the urgent need to collect them. But to be honest - how many beads and how much fabric can you pile up? That was the moment I decided to share some of my treasures to make room for new items that need a home:-)

-- If you could describe your products in three words, what would you tell me? Vibrant, whimsical and funny – I guess.

-- What would an average working day for you be like from dawn til dusk? Well, I have to work till six o’clock, sometimes later and I have a fiancĂ© who wants to spent time with me (and vice versa) so there isn’t too much time left for making jewelry. I try to get things done on the weekend. I love to sit down with my stash and come up with a new bracelet or necklace.

-- What's your favourite material and techniques to work with? Sari ribbon and copper. That’s for sure. All my pieces tend to end up with some fiber in it. And I love metalwork and wire wrapping.

-- What is your ideal vision for the future for you and your work? To have more time for my jewelry making and finding people who like my stuff as much as I do.

-- Away from work, what do you like to do for fun or to wind down? Cooking and reading. I’m mad about crime novels.

-- What are you likely to search for on Etsy? Jewelry supplies

-- Any last words? A big thank you! It’s very generous to give us etsy-newbies a place to shine and a chance to get the word about our work out there.

And when people are interested in seeing more of my work or reading more about my inspiration I’d like to invite them over to my blog : or to my Facebookpage:

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